Elément constituant du corps et source de vie l’eau est essentielle à l’équilibre de l’Homme et à son bien-être. Nous en consommons matin, midi et soir: lors de la douche, à table, autour d’une tisane, que des rituels essentiels pour se sentir plus fort physiquement et en meilleur forme. En tant que citadin, il nous est nécessaire de se confronter au puit, borne de ravitaillement en énergie, au retour à la source, détente et mise en forme, pour pouvoir construire et affronter le stress de l’environnement. Par ailleurs, en ville, c’est dans la flaque, le jet, le lac que l’eau puise son identité, des places urbaines que les civilisations ont cherché et autours desquelles elles se sont aggloméré. A Paris, ville cosmopolite d’individus aux multiples repères et différents intérêts, les passages, réseaux et chemins sont des moyens à l’homme pour s’évader et se divertir un lieu de rencontre pour une mise en forme, des salles d’activité physique de bien-être et des fragments de vie.


Space woody to the Lebanon have been savagely position by the expansion of the construction. It remains now 4.8% of dense forests of what was called the Green country. This wealth is concentrated mainly in 18 watersheds * sequencing the coastline. With the increase and intensification of urbanization, new dimensions have emerged. The valleys become green cuts in this urban environment and thus a crucial link in development across a wide territory.

Near major cities and available to all, the valleys can accommodate public spaces. Is there a certain management system that will bring these rich lands and Woody in values?

The water catchment area of Nahr el Kalb * is a geographical entity and landscape distinct. In my analysis, I have opted for the lower part of the Valley, focusing issues and exposed to the highest land pressures due to the proximity to the capital.

The Nahr el Kalb Valley is particularly delicate to plan and manage, and allows disclosing the difficulties and own development blockages in the Lebanon. Indeed during the development of the study, I had the opportunity on several occasions, to detect the problems not only specific to the Valley considered, but also common to other regions: the broken river ecosystem, slope of the basin fragilises, historical heritage not highlighted, urbanization, seasonal mass tourism vectors equipment.

I propose to create a green body, result of the joint effort of the municipalities of the perimeter of intervention. The mission of it is to highlight the two sites marginalized Valley, create poles of development in complementary vocations, to establish an intelligent network traffic and finally to establish a code of life to allow access by the citizen to green.

The configuration of the territory and its heritage justifies its Division into three zones with different vocations:

Zone A: Museum of history and the war of 1975

Cultural and historical heritage: website of commemorative Stela of the passage of the various conquerors of the Middle East:

Zone B: Public square

Agricultural village, heritage in loss in need of public space, junction between areas A and C

Zone C: Jeita Grotto

Tourist pole in hybrid structures rebuilt in the urgency of the after war.

Thus, project equips the territorial site of a new intelligence through the three poles created, a new logic of movement and a new code of life to ensure a sustainable development of the Valley.


* The watershed is ‘the entire surface topographic drained by a river and its tributaries, upstream of a point called the outfall.

* River du Chien